Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.


The Waikerí or Guaiqueríes were an indigenous people of northern Venezuela. They may have been related to the Warao people, or to the Arawaks or Cumanagotos...

The Cuiba ethnic group is often found in the Casanare region. In Venezuela the language is spoken in the state of Apure, one of the state border with Colombia, which...

The Tupi people were one of the most numerous peoples indigenous to Brazil, before colonisation. Scholars believe that while they first settled in the Amazon rainforest...

Chibcha is an extinct language of Colombia, spoken by the Muisca, one of the four advanced indigenous civilizations of the Americas. The Muisca inhabited the central...

The Yanomami, also spelled Yąnomamö or Yanomama, are a group of approximately 35,000 indigenous people who live in some 200–250 villages in the Amazon rainforest...

Mapoyo, or Mapoyo–Yavarana, is a Carib language spoken along the Suapure and Parguaza Rivers, Venezuela. The ethnic population of Mapoyo proper is about 365...

The Maquiritare are a Cariban-speaking tropical rain-forest tribe who live in the Caura River and Orinoco River regions of Venezuela in Bolivar State and Amazonas State...

The Chaimas are an indigenous Venezuelan people whose location was around what is today Cariaco, Municipality of Ribero del Sucre State. They lived in the northeast...

Yukpa is an Amerindian ethnic group that inhabits the northeastern part of the Cesar Department in northern Colombia by the Serranía del Perijábordering Venezuela...

The Panare people live in the Amazonian region of Venezuela. While Western culture has had a moderate influence on other tribes of the region, the Panare retain much...